Wellbeing Pack (Secondary) - Educational Psychology Service

These resources are suitable for Secondary age

1. Wellbeing Resource Pack 

  • Wellbeing Resource Pack -  It has become clear that many young people as well as adults have been facing many challenges to their wellbeing.
    This resource pack has been designed to offer helpful advice and activities as well as directing to other resources that could be helpful. Part 1 Coping with stress and Emotion, Part 2 Lifestyle Changes, Part 3 Activities, Part 4 Useful Resources.
  • Wellbeing Resource Pack Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd_QQh8X2ec&rel=0



2. Anxiety

  • Reducing Anxiety Workbook - In this workbook from the Gwynedd & Môn Educational Psychology service, we aim to support the wellbeing of educational staff, carers or young people Anxiety. We all experience anxiety at some point in life and it is a natural response to many situations we come across. Unfortunately many people can get anxiety a little bit too often and it sometimes gets in the way of doing things. In this workbook, we will explain why we feel anxious and give some guidance on what we can do to help reduce our anxiety over time. 
  • Anxiety Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7x0DUg1Xzo  


3.  Mindfulness: