Medical Conditions

Support for pupils with medical conditions 

Medical conditions are met under the Equality Act (2010). Schools and the Local Authority have support pathways to meet those needs.

  • Individual Medical Profile (IMPr)
  • Individual Medical Plan (IMPLAN)

Not all children and young people with a medical condition will have additional learning needs (ALN). The question is always whether or not the child or the young person has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for additional learning provision (ALP).

Section 2.32 of the Additional Learning Needs Code 2021 states: There will be instances where a child or young person with a medical condition does not have a learning difficulty or disability, or if the person does, the learning difficulty or disability does not call for ALP. In these cases, the child or young person’s needs ought to be met through other means.


Every case will be discussed individually to ensure appropriate and personal care is in place. A child, their parent or young person may wish to have a discussion with the school’s Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo). The Local Authority’s Specialist Physical / Medical Service can offer support to schools and families. You should ensure any relevant medical Information is share with the School and/or Local Authority.

Graduated response triangle – Medical Conditions (without ALN that calls for ALP)


 The Welsh Government's statutory guidance on Supporting Learners with Healthcare Needs addresses the arrangements to be made by maintained schools and local authorities to support learners under the age of 18 who have healthcare needs including those arising from a medical condition.

Download a copy of the document Supporting learners with healthcare needs.


What if I have a medical condition and Additional Learning Needs?

In some cases, medical conditions may have a significant impact on a child or young person’s experiences and on the way they function in school or further education, such that they result in a learning difficulty or disability within the meaning of that term additional learning needs (ALN).

Where a pupil also has ALN, an Individual Development Plan (IDP) will be prepared and its provision will be planned holistically together with the Local Health Board’s Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP).


Voice of the Child / Young Person

It is extremely important that all involved with the child / young person participate in the meeting to create a Individual Medical Plan (IMPLAN) or Individual Development Plan (IDP) so that we discover what the pupils regard as important. There are many ways in which a child or young person can participate. This will enable us to create a very personal IMPLAN or IDP for the child / young person. This will be done through speaking with the child/young person and their family, and agreeing on the best approach to prioritize and provide support.